Saturday, April 30, 2016

Rebirthing Breath

By Ellen Valentine

It can be said that as a person breathes, so they do life. That is self explanatory but just in case it wasnt clear, if your breath is open and consciously engaged, you are fully alive; if however your breath is shallow and often stops, you are living a contracted and less than fulfilling life. The reality is that your breath is your connection to the Divine. It is the Inspiration to live, the Breath of Life.

Take a full and luscious breath right now; breathe deeply. How do you feel? You feel open, ready to let in life, right? Of course it may have scared you, to take a deep and connected breath, and only you can answer that, but the simple act will always tell you volumes about your present state of BEING. If it hurts or feels difficult on any level then you NEED TO BREATHE.

Breathing seems so ordinary that most people are not conscious of the delicious nature of the Breath; in fact, many people today are simply not conscious; and, the breathing mechanism is the perfect gauge for our ability in any moment to truly live a full life.

Rebirthing breath is a spiritual awakening and a reconnection to our own core essence. The session itself may heal any manner of misperceptions a person has incorporated during a lifetime but more importantly it has the ability to shift the energetic clout of the aberrated thought. So, lets go through that again.

Thoughts that are not for our own good, like I will never be able to do that well, have an energetic power that keep them in our consciousness. The energetic nature of a thought is more powerful when the circumstance that set it in motion is suppressed or put out of the conscious mind. In other words the more painful the experience, when there is need to shove it out of consciousness to get on with life, an instance especially true of children when they are emotionally damaged.

Thoughts that have a lot of suppressed energy around them are thoughts that seem very real. They are not true but they feel very true, and they continue manifesting as a persons reality. They have been given energetic life.

You and I are energetic Beings. We are creating energetically what we believe to be true for us. So good or bad, every person is creating out of nothing, simply the unconscious and conscious mind. That was actually meant to be the greatest gift ever to humans. The resurgence of the teachings of Emerson, Charles Haanel, Wallace Wattles and others reminds us that there have been teachers all along who understood the power of the creative thought. They spent their lives sharing their understanding with others.

A breathing professional guides the session, making sure that no hesitation on the part of the breather gets in the way of a completed energy cycle. With this cycle of energy a certain amount of stored or blocked energy can be released. The thoughts attached are relinquished as they are exposed as untrue and no longer useful.

If youre planning on having a baby and wish for a gentle and trauma free birth, your fist plan of action would be a ten week series of sessions for both mother and father. It will not be possible for the baby to be birth trauma free if everyone involved has not handled their own birth trauma first. Babies process the fear and apprehension of the parents not only at birth but in the womb. One session never fixes all but it is the beginning of a persons relationship with their ultimate life machine " their Breath.

Ten sessions are recommended as the minimum for anyone to feel really comfortable about breathing on their own. It also gives time for the greater part of contracted energy to be released in the presence of someone who will be there with the breather, lend compassion, and help them process any unresolved residue

Rebirthing is a technique I learned in1988. It made such an impact on my ability to expand and see certain circumstances in my own life clearly, and reconstruct them. It was amazing and I wanted to give that same gift to others. I still use rebirthing breath with clients and self. I have my own unique processing at the end of each session, after the energy cycle has been accomplished, and design a concentrated program during the ten weeks that is unique for each client.

Rebirthing is definitely a spiritual experience. Much of the success of the session hinges on the progress and expectation of the facilitator, plus the willingness of the breather but I have seen lives changed with the process.

Breathe Deeply, Inspire Yourself, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 30535

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Simple Ways To Experience An Amazingly Real Lucid Dream!

By Colleen Rikke

If you are unfamiliar with the term, a lucid dream is one in which you are aware that you are dreaming. Lucid, of course denotes consciousness. The extent to which you are lucid within your dream depends on how stable the dream is, how much of the dream you can recall upon waking and how much control you have over the course of the dream.

Having control over the dream is the most important part of a Lucid Dream. Its an amazing thing to be in a dream yet to know that it is in fact a dream. You are in the drivers seat of your dream and you can experience anything you have ever wanted to.

Just imagine that for an instant. It looks feels and sounds exactly the same as normal reality, except that you know that it isnt. You know that you are perfectly safe; you cannot die or get injured in a Lucid Dream. There are no normal rules and regulations about what you get up to! It is truly your own Individual Virtual Reality, with a depth of realism far beyond the most sophisticated computer imitation.

Lucid dreaming is an incredible skill that more and more people are mastering. Having a Lucid Dream is something almost everyone experiences very occasionally, but just imagine how exhilarating it would be if you could Lucid Dream whenever you want to!

A Lucid Dream can be a doorway to some amazing experiences! Meeting and interacting with your favorite celebrity, having untamed erotic fantasies, taking a trip to distant planets, visiting fantasy worlds and touring them, conversing with a lost loved one, in fact anything at all; there are no limits to your imagination!

Having regular Lucid Dreaming experiences is something which until recently could take an extremely long time to achieve. People would spend as long as a year in training to have their first Lucid Dream - and it remained out of reach for some people no matter how long they tried.

So are there any simple ways of experiencing a Lucid Dream?

Some people report that certain foods can encourage Lucid Dreaming if consumed shortly before sleeping - Mustard, Orange Juice and dairy products among them.

Also recommended by some are ice cream, popcorn, pickles and fish. Some people say that these foods are ideal for preparing your mind for Lucid Dreaming - but of course, many of these are high in salt and fat, which isnt very conducive to a good nights sleep.

Can Technology Assist You?

New technologies can make it somewhat easier to experience Lucid Dreaming. There are devices which can help to stimulate you to have Lucid Dreams such as eyeshades and sleep masks which activate a LED when rapid eye movements are detected. This light reminds you that you are dreaming; letting you take control of the dream!

But exciting new developments in sound technology have opened up the world of Lucid Dreams to anybody! A process has been developed by scientists where different sound frequency waves are played in each ear. This is known as binaural beats.

These binaural frequencies synchronize the hemispheres of the brain; by listening to these frequencies, the brain is helped to achieve REM sleep, the sleep state necessary for Lucid Dreaming.

If you have always wanted to experience Lucid Dreaming for yourself, binaural sound presents the quickest and easiest way to begin. - 30535

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Training Small Dogs a favor for a friend

Training small dogs requires a lot of patience and discipline. A step-by-step dog training program will teach you how to give your dog specific commands to follow. When your dog listens to you and follows orders, let the dog know he/she is being a good dog and reinforce this by giving them a tasty treat. When your dog disobeys or ignores you, they get nothing. Deep down, your pet really wants to please you, and theyll get the message that good behavior brings them rewards. Soon, all of the unruly behavior will be gone and you and your dog will be great pals again.
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Scorpio Relationship Watch That Stinger

If you’re in a Scorpio relationship, you may be a very brave soul! Scorpios are wonderful companions, and are fiercely loyal. But when things go wrong, the other person in a Scorpio relationship can end up feeling a bit stung.

Scorpios are take charge kind of people, who like being in charge and controlling the relationship. That doesn’t mean you should give in on everything. But it helps if you understand their nature is to automatically try to lead the way in almost every situation.

When you feel the need to take charge, simply express yourself and you’ll win your Scorpio’s respect and admiration for standing up for yourself. Scorpios appreciate determination and moxie in a partner, because those are things Scorpios have no shortage of.

It may help to understand your partner by knowing that Scorpios relish a challenge. Playing a little hard to get at times might be just the thing. But don’t play too hard to get, because if it seems you’re truly not interested, your partner will lose interest, too.

It’s one thing to win someone over, but to drag them clawing and kicking is another. A Scorpio loves to convince other people that their opinion is right, but by diplomatic means rather than aggressive ones. So keep it interesting by asserting yourself and not giving in, but if you resist too many things too much, the Scorpio relationship might get a little too heated.

Scorpios can be wonderful and generous partners. And sometimes they have very slow tempers that can take a lot. But when this sun sign does finally get angry, watch out! It’s not going to be pretty. Even if the Scorpio doesn’t actually show his or her temper, they’re seething beneath the surface.

Unfortunately for many relationships, people born under this sign can hold a grudge forever. If you mess up, don’t expect to be instantly forgiven. In fact, the thing you did wrong might be brought up in every argument for years to come. Some Scorpios are obviously better at forgiveness than others. But if not, it’s hard to get them to forget something you did wrong.

Sometimes, Scorpios tend to think you can read their minds. Or more accurately, they think you should be able to read minds. If you’ve broken up and are back in your Scorpio relationship trying to make it work, you need to remember this tendency.

If your partner is in a huff, angry, short-tempered or otherwise acting poorly, it could be that you haven’t figured something out they want you to figure out. This can be a frustrating Scorpio tendency, because even if you ask what’s wrong you might get only, “How can you not know?”

The key to making this work is to explain that you really need them to tell you. Why you didn’t pick up on the problem doesn’t matter, though you should be on the look out for problems, of course. But if they’re not willing to tell you what they need, it’s very hard to make a Scorpio relationship work.
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Save Your Marriage Infidelity Doesnt Have To Mean The End

Of all the things that can tear apart a marriage, infidelity is one of the biggest reasons. Extramarital affairs are a betrayal of all the things that marriage is supposed to be about. A marriage is supposed to be a union of two lives, two people bonded together for a lifetime, and breaking that bond is one of the most difficult things to over come.
In a marriage, infidelity isnt just what happens when somebody begins a physical relationship outside of the marriage. Infidelity can also be emotional, when one of the partners in a marriage begins to share their life with someone outside the marriage.
This is known as emotional infidelity, and it has become an even more serious problem in the last few decades. One of the reasons for this is because workplaces, one of our prime social engagements in modern times, have become increasingly more mixed.
In addition to that it is even easier to communicate with people on the sly. Email and instant messaging and texting have all made it easier to bond with people that you shouldnt be bonding with. While this isnt the cause of emotional infidelity, it is a factor.
At the same time, physical infidelity has also become easier. We spend more time apart than we once did, and it is not at all uncommon to spend the majority of time at work, which gives us a very handy excuse when we make the decision to cheat in our marriage. Infidelity is a choice, make no mistake about that.
But the thing to remember is that all of these things are excuses and opportunities, not reasons. Changing the excuses wont change the marriage, wont solve anything. But that doesnt mean that you cant overcome cheating in marriage. Infidelity is a big problem, but it is not an insurmountable one.
The very first thing you need to do is to figure out what went wrong in your marriage. Infidelity isnt something that happens in a vacuum; there is always a reason when things like that happen. Something has broken in your relationship and it needs to be fixed in order to get past the cheating.
You need to make sure that you dont blame the other person. Yes, they cheated on you. No, it wasnt your fault. But you need to move past it, because playing the blame game will only delay the kind of emotional healing that needs to take place. You need to, as best you can, put it all behind you.
Once youve found out why and began work on it, you need to reestablish the trust in the marriage. Infidelity destroys trust, and its going to be difficult to repair what was been broken. You need to work on rebuilding the trust. Dont expect it to happen right away, and dont expect it to be easy.
But if you can follow these steps, you can save your marriage. Infidelity is terrible, but every relationship can be repaired. You just need to be willing to find the advice and the help you need to repair your relationship.
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How to not be a crazy ex girlfriend

The other day I was watching a television show where the heroine stopped at nothing to destroy her ex boyfriend’s current relationship. She made it her mission to not only break them up, but to ruin both of their lives. Perhaps you are wondering what this has to do with anything. Well, I think one of the most important parts of a break up is how you handle yourself afterwards.

There are a few different ways to avoid being “the crazy ex girlfriend.” It may be difficult, and I will admit I may have broken a rule or two myself, but if you stick to these guidelines you may be able to keep your dignity when parting ways with your ex.

As challenging as it may be, do not continue to contact them. I know it can be easy to make excuses, but you may appear desperate if you constantly call them. Besides, it seems as if you have nothing else going on in your life. Deep down you know you were fine before them, and you will be just fine after, so try to maintain that mentality.

Another way to avoid seeming psychotic is to never “randomly” end up places where your ex is. I met a girl who would purposely go out of her way to end up wherever her ex boyfriend happened to be. She thought that if he continued to see her, he would miss her. While there is some method to her madness, the truth is he can’t miss you if you never go away. If you create some space it will produce necessary independence for both parties involved.

The last thing you should never do is beg your ex to take you back. It can be hard not to plead with him or her, and insist that you have changed your ways, but ultimately you will look much better if you just deal with your break up. I know it is hard, but we both know you do not want their last memory to be of you groveling at their feet.

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Number one way to heal a broken heart

Another new article: Number one way to heal a broken heart at

Finding a way to help yourself get over a break up is not an easy job to do. Even though your girlfriend/boyfriend might be with someone else now, and its almost impossible to not think about them. But you can still keep yourself busy to make time faster and easier for you.

Read the rest...
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How To Win Your Love Back And Keep Them

If youre looking around wondering how to win your love back, then youve no doubt found yourself in a situation where youre still in love with your ex, but your ex has walked out of the relationship.

Your first step to get your ex back and win your love has to be to take some time out and get your head together.  It would be a big mistake to try and win back your ex within days of the breakup, particularly if it has been a messy breakup.  So make sure that you take some time to sort yourself out.

Your first thought should always be to look after yourself.  That means avoiding your ex and making no contact with them at all. Its not going to be easy to go from being in a relationship with your ex to making no contact with your ex, but it is vital that you do.  Contacting your ex makes you weak and puts you in a negative and vulnerable position.  Particularly if your ex has asked to be left alone.  Constantly calling or trying to see your ex means that you become less appealing to them.  Exs hate needy and desperate, so back off if you want to win your love back.

Instead, work at sorting yourself our.  As you focus on yourself make sure that youre not spending all your time on your own.  It is very easy to find that when the love of your life walks out on you that you end up filling that space doing nothing but thinking about them.  This is a surefire way to find yourself depressed and low and recovering from depression brings a whole other level of problems that you dont need.

Get out and about and reconnect with your family and friends. Meet new people and make yourself have some fun.  Yeah, its not going to be easy, but if its the way forward to figuring out how to win your love back, then you have to do it.

As you slowly get back on your feet after the shock of the breakup, you should then begin to think about any role that you might have played in the breakup of the relationship.

It is very easy to blame your ex for everything that has gone wrong, but remember, it takes two to make a relationship and two to break that relationship.  So during this time away from your ex as you work on figuring out how to get back with them, make sure that you are honest with yourself and that you claim any part of the breakup that is down to you. 

Did you make a mistake that caused the break down of the relationship? If you did, then you need to figure out how youre going to rectify the behavior that led to the mistake and the eventual breakup.

Though some of the outlined steps might seem counter-intuitive, if youre serious about figuring out how to win your love back, they are steps that you must take.
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What Causes Panic Attacks

By Greg Anderson

The precise causes for panic attacks is largely unclear, and can vary by person. While certain factors can make a person more susceptible to panic attacks, there is not a specific medical or psychological issue causing panic attacks: The cause can sometimes be as individual as the person experiencing the panic attack.

According to scientific experts, the effects of panic attacks may possibly be related to the action of chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. If neurotransmitter are mis-firing, they can make a reaction called "fight or flight" occur. This reaction is typically the precursor to panic attacks. The unknown here is why this reaction would be set off when the time is wrong, and the reasons behind that are still being researched today.

The exact reasons that people have panic attacks are usually unknown. There are so many different things that may contribute to panic attacks that it is possible only to find commonalities that may cause a person to be more likely to have them. There is not yet a decisive triggering factor that is identical in each and every case. It is quite possible that genetics may play a part since panic attacks sometimes follow family blood lines. Sometimes life events that cause a lot of stress can possibly contribute to panic attacks.

There are some medical conditions, and drugs related to those conditions, that could possibly bring on panic attacks. Should you start to have panic attacks for the first time, it is best to see your physician so that the cause can be determined if at all possible.

The medical problems that might be related to panic attacks include the following: Mitral valve prolapse, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, stimulant use, and withdrawal from medication.

Panic attacks which stem from diagnosed medical problems can often be eliminated or at least controlled much better by the alteration of drug doses or substitution of drugs where possible. There are other changes that your doctor may ask you to make to help control medically related panic attacks also.

If your panic attacks do not have medical origins, then there is still hope. It is possible to control and potentially eliminate panic attacks via the usage of a psychological program. Panic Away is a program which is designed to stop the panic attack triggers. Even if you are not certain of every one of your triggers, it can help you because the program takes away the fear of more panic attacks. As anyone suffering these attacks knows, the fear of more attacks is often the worst part.

Since this is a program that makes sure to exert influence on only the areas of the brain that actually cause panic attacks, this is the most effective way to put a stop to these life damaging attacks. - 30535

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Friday, April 29, 2016

Worst To Best Kevin Smith

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith

I consider Kevin Smith to be somewhat of a brotherly figure. Perhaps he isn’t the most talented director in the world, but no matter how many times he misses the bar, you love him all the same with a definite soft spot for every piece of work he produces. You remember the good times, those moments he delivered his style impeccably, even if these days it seems more and more likely he only got lucky on occasion (albeit very lucky, reasonably often).

But no matter your opinion, one thing we have to respect Kevin for (at times, higher than some of the greatest directors on our planet), is his persistent willingness to push himself. He is forever trying something different, unafraid to dive into genres he knows absolutely nothing about, the only common denominator between his efforts standing as the daunting list of actors who recur throughout his work. And even if this approach has sometimes worked to his detriment (his later movies have been whipped as such duds that I worry as to how predictable this list may turn out, as well as how much of his career he has left), we cannot deny that he has continued to find fresh ways to get his thoughts onto our screens and into our hearts, which I find respectable. Respectable enough to write this blog, anyway.

And so while the UK waits impatiently for the release of Tusk (and while his filmography stands at the nice round number of 10 entries), I figured it was a decent point to analyse his projects and place them in some sort of an order, which is what I have done, and I am so glad youve read this far already. Please continue:

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 10. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

10. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)

Do not be fooled by this decidedly worst position, for let it be known, I adore Jay and Silent Bob with every stoner residue left within my bones from a misguided youth of bad decisions. They are the living interpretation of Beavis and Butthead meets Laurel and Hardy, appealing to the teenager in all of us, while we enjoy the last bits of our intelligence evaporating as each minute passes. And this flick is the epitome of their humour: shamelessly stupid without giving a fuck, the laughs so tasteless and pointless that you feel dirty for chuckling at them like some cheaper version of yourself. It come across more like a fun comic rather than a film, as we watch our vulgar heroes set out to destroy a movie within a movie in order to collect their royalties and prove the whole internet wrong. But even when considering the extensive film nods and thorough list of cameos, one can’t escape the feeling that this is one long lazy in-joke, driven by self indulgence and self references, repeatedly more miss than hit and boringly predictable, a cheesy side-project rather than a movie, falling cringely flat at whatever it was trying to do. Ultimately, it’s a Smith film for fans only, and even then, maybe not.

Key Scene: The closest thing we’ve got to a Good Will Hunting sequel.
Recurring actors: Joey Lauren Adams; Ben Affleck; Jeff Anderson; Jason Biggs; George Carlin; Matt Damon; Shannen Doherty; Dan Etheridge; Dwight Ewell; Walter Flanagan; Bryan Johnson; Jason Lee; Jason Mewes; Tracy Morgan; Scott Mosier; Ernest ODonnell; Brian OHalloran; Vincent Pereira; Chris Rock; Stephen Root; Seann William Scott; Harley Quinn Smith; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith; Kevin Smith; Ethan Suplee; John Willyung

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 09. Cop Out

09. Cop Out (2010)

Cop Out is an easy target, often considered Smith’s worst to date, even if I don’t find it quite as bad as everyone makes it out to be (and yet, still pretty bad). However, once you realise Smith didn’t actually write the film (only directed it, the sole example on my list), we can’t exclusively blame the guy for this typical homage to the buddy cop genre. At its core, it’s an adventure where two partners grow as a team whilst dealing with their own personal lives, featuring Tracy Morgan (performing as well as always) fearing his wife’s infidelity, and Bruce Willis (who reportedly hated working with Smith due to his excessive pot smoking) trying to find enough money to pay for his daughters wedding. If that clumsy textbook synopsis didn’t already bore you to murder, then the overly eager film will, which tries so desperately to get you to laugh that you forget how, instead leaving you annoyed without any memory as to what actually happened. Perhaps it’s not the disaster every critic has labeled it, but in its incomplete, formulaic agony, it’s a movie which has been done a thousand times before and almost always better.

Key Scene: Morgan quoting Die Hard is just the kind of naughty self reference only Smith has the balls to do.
Recurring actors: Jason Lee; Tracy Morgan; Jim Norton; Ernest ODonnell; Kevin Pollak; Seann William Scott; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith; Kevin Smith

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 08. Clerks II

08. Clerks II (2006)

Set 10 years after the original, Clerks II is pretty much the same old shit: a commentary on growing up and maintaining friendships whilst trying to survive the minimum wage rat race, except now as immature 30-something slackers as opposed to the more forgivable 20-something versions from before. Of course, the cult fan following served the reception well, many blindly praising the continuation of Smith’s everyday dialogue as well as the loveable casting (Dawson alone carries a lot of the movie herself), but personally I found this subpar development to be a substanceless pile of pointless disappointment, where we, the viewers, have grown up much faster than these protagonists, who act far too childish for their age group and that makes me feel old in just saying. It came across as more fun to make than watch, whilst trying too hard to be crude and emotionally touching at the same time, yet ultimately failing at both, exposing what is wrong with most of Kevin’s efforts: forcing tackiness straight into the oblivion of obviousness. I mean, the whole donkey ordeal? C’mon, that was way over the vulgar-cringe line even for Smith, but then again, maybe you’re into that sorta stuff.

Key Scene: All criticism aside, that Silence of the Lambs moment was one my favourite Smith moments in his filmography.
Recurring actors: Ben Affleck; Jeff Anderson; Walter Flanagan; Jason Lee; Jason Mewes; Scott Mosier; Brian OHalloran; Harley Quinn Smith; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith; Kevin Smith; Ethan Suplee

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 07. Red State

07. Red State (2011)

Despite this low position, there’s a lot to love about Red State. Essentially a cult-like horror, it covers every base, from sex to religion (the whole plot presented as one preachy anti-church seminar) to violence (lots of violence, people die), and in that way, could easily appeal to Smith fans and non-Smith fans alike, as one very different offering from the director. Furthermore, the performances are memorable (Michael Parks is worth the watch alone) and it is visually brilliant, probably the best looking Smith film on this list as far as style goes. But by the time it had reached its conclusion, I couldn’t escape the question of “was that it?” The idea was there and it was a good one, but the execution was so thin, messy, and directionless that I couldn’t imagine the script to be any more than a few pages long. Simply put, it felt unfinished, as if it “almost worked”, which is why this is yet another one of Smith’s later efforts which received mixed reviews at best, perhaps rather swallowed as an example of where the man tried to make a movie just slightly beyond his capabilities. Which still does deserve some appreciation, granted.

Key Scene: It’s difficult because there doesn’t really feel like there are that many distinctive scenes here, but I guess the whole action-packed mid-section was quite exciting?
Recurring actors: Betty Aberlin; Ralph Garman; Michael Parks; Kevin Pollak; Stephen Root; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 06. Jersey Girl

06. Jersey Girl (2004)

Smith took an admirable risk with Jersey Girl, turning focus away from his trademark vulgar humour, opting rather to tell a heartfelt family story, dealing with the tragedy of loss and the struggles of single parenthood. Unfortunately, it was a gaggy flop, critics quick to tear the casting apart without focusing on the actual movie itself, which I consider unfair. Although, it has to be said, the casting was atrocious. Affleck performs well but is hard to take seriously, Castro comes across unauthentic, Carlin is uncharacteristically forgettable, and ... J.Lo?? Ughhhh! In fact, only Tyler feels like the right choice for her role, but even the unavoidable Liv charm could not save this film from crawling along like some formulaic, bland, safe effort from a director who has built a reputation from doing the exact opposite. BUT ... somehow I cannot bring myself to dislike this film, as its sweet nature and feel-good cuteness is still a cry-worthy journey, and if nothing else, is a fresh glimpse into Smith’s rare mature side, fundamentally a respectable effort in regards to trying something different and not completely failing at it.

Key Scene: The whole Will Smith running gag is great.
Recurring actors: Betty Aberlin; Ben Affleck; Jason Biggs; George Carlin; Matt Damon; Dan Etheridge; Jason Lee; Ernest ODonnell; Vincent Pereira; Stephen Root; Harley Quinn Smith; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith; John Willyung

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 05. Zack and Miri Make a Porno

05. Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008)

It’s difficult to think of a title which sums up a film as accurately as this one. For, yes, Zack and Miri make a porno to solve their cash flow issues, and of course, fall in love in the process, simples. It’s Smith’s silly little rom com with a smutty centre, filthy but friendly, an unorthodox cuteness which, unfortunately, critics didn’t approve of. The usually "bankable" Rogen experienced his "worst box-office opening ever", the reception reportedly sending Smith into a deep depression following, and it doesn’t take a film connoisseur to work out why. The flick tries too hard to be crude just for the sake of it, and as a result, is another predictable piece of writing from the director, “a new low”, as some have called it. But in that same breath, I consider it underrated, as it only backfires in its desperate raunchiness due to the mushy heart dominating the execution, all corny and awkward and even ... touching (for a porn theme). It hits more than it misses, it’s not as disgusting as it wishes it was, and I honestly consider it one of Smith’s “better” works. Well, sort of.

Key Scene: Full frontal Jason! No homo.
Recurring actors: Betty Aberlin; Jeff Anderson; Justin Long; Jason Mewes; Jim Norton; Ernest ODonnell; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 04. Clerks

04. Clerks (1994)

And from here, it’s only the big boys, and there isnt much bigger than Smith’s debut, a film which proves that you don’t need a large budget, a real plot, or even colour to create an accidental classic so financially successful that it’s often considered one of the greatest independent comedies of all time. Exposing a day in the life of two half hearted slacker employees dealing with customers, running on the fuel of dialogue alone, there is no message here. Nobody is trying to save the world. Our characters just want to get through their shift, and in that way, it feels authentic as a slice of life we can all relate to whilst dying in hysterics from the excessive, politically incorrect toilet humour. But while Clerks would top many a Smith junkie’s list, personally I consider it slightly overrated for its cult status, and with all the sequels and animated versions which followed, it has grown a little weary in my eyes, sorry. Still, no one can deny this is Smith at his very best, with nothing to prove and ultimately the flick which made him the superstar he is today.

Key Scene: Difficult to think of one “key scene” when the movie is essentially quotable quote after quote, but I’ll go with when Silent Bob speaks his wisdom, simply because it’s a cool thing for Smith to have done and the first of that running theme.
Recurring actors: Jeff Anderson; Walter Flanagan; Jason Mewes; Scott Mosier; Ernest ODonnell; Brian OHalloran; Vincent Pereira; Kevin Smith; John Willyung

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 03. Mallrats

03. Mallrats (1995)

As Smith’s sophomore, as well as the prequel to Clerks (set the day before), obvious human nature is to compare this offering to his debut, and generally, quite unfavourably. People called it flawed and people called it juvenile, but I call that bullshit, this underrated reception leaving me completely dumbfounded. For starters, it’s not all that different from his first effort, yet another semi-plotless slacker stoner movie, complete with many of Smith’s playful trademarks such as awkward situations, vulgar dialogue, comic book obsessions, and a silly childlike charm, except set in a mall rather than a store this time. But beyond that, what really sets Mallrats superior in my mind, is its deeper understanding of the hardships of break-ups. As the impressionable youth I was when I first watched it, this movie granted me some unlikely tools to deal with heartbreak in a humourous manner, which still serves me to this very day. Perhaps that was never its intention, but regardless, is why I personally hold this film dear to me as almost life changing as well as one of Kevin’s greatest works—better than your precious Clerks, anyway. Oh, and Jason Lee owns it.

Key Scene: Most people would probably flock towards the Stan Lee thing, but honestly, it was the spooning arm metaphor which always stuck with me.
Recurring actors: Joey Lauren Adams; Ben Affleck; Shannen Doherty; Walter Flanagan; Bryan Johnson; Jason Lee; Jason Mewes; Scott Mosier; Brian OHalloran; Kevin Smith; Ethan Suplee

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 02. Dogma

02. Dogma (1999)

As this list should effortlessly illustrate, there are generally two types of Smith films: the safe, immature, more successful “stick to what he knows” type; and the different, less successful “out of his depth” type. But Dogma is the exception. Telling the age-old tale of good vs. evil, two fallen angels have found a loophole in the Christian system to get back into heaven, and the fate of the world lies in the hands of an abortion clinic worker, obvs. And while such a pushy religious theme was a risky move on Smith’s part (even some death threats followed), the bold jump paid off, a rare glimpse into the director’s intellectual side, maintaining the humour whilst even toying with something ... profound? Wait, Kevin Smith? Profound?? Did he actually write this movie?? Evidently so, as only someone as stoned as him could think up a concept as ludicrous as Buddy Christ. Sure, some critics called it bloated, pretentious, and unnecessarily long, but for me this well casted effort is almost as close to a masterpiece as he can get, and I eagerly rock in my seat every time the mention of a potential sequel comes up. And it often does.

Key Scene: Avoiding spoilers hard here, but for those who are in the know, I’ll say one word: God.
Recurring actors: Betty Aberlin; Ben Affleck; Jeff Anderson; George Carlin; Matt Damon; Dan Etheridge; Dwight Ewell; Walter Flanagan; Bryan Johnson; Jason Lee; Jason Mewes; Scott Mosier; Ernest ODonnell; Brian OHalloran; Vincent Pereira; Chris Rock; Kevin Smith; Ethan Suplee

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 01. Chasing Amy

01. Chasing Amy (1997)

As an oblivious heterosexual male, it’s hard for me to comment on the lesbian controversy which backhanded this film’s release. Perhaps it’s my own ignorance, but I felt this was Smith’s genuine attempt at accurately commenting on the gender roles within a relationship, as well as the difficulty of stomaching the sexual history of one’s partner. I view it as almost an untraditional chick flick, “a chick flick for guys” I’ve heard it been called, with touching performances all around (I fell in love with Adams multiple times within its duration), provoking tears without breaking the vulgarity or comic book references we have come to rely on. And above all else, it analyses love, friendship, and homosexuality in a fair, romantic manner, as funny as always, but with more heart and sincerity, which, personally, has only helped me become more tolerant towards dykes and my own bitches. Because of these reasons, I stand up and proclaim this as Smith’s most mature offering—as Smith’s best offering—and the only “real” movie he has ever made.

Key Scene: The sex-injury Jaws parody.
Recurring actors: Joey Lauren Adams; Ben Affleck; Matt Damon; Dwight Ewell; Walter Flanagan; Bryan Johnson; Jason Lee; Jason Mewes; Scott Mosier; Ernest ODonnell; Brian OHalloran; Vincent Pereira; Kevin Smith; Ethan Suplee; John Willyung

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What Can I do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

Most people find themselves asking "What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" following a breakup. They begin to start thinking and philosophizing about everything that could have been done differently. They even begin to make plans about apology letters and other things that might be able to help them score their relationship back.

This tends to be a dead end for one reason above all else: Because you can never really tell what the real reasons were behind a breakup. Women become emotional and sometimes they do not even know what led to the break up at hand and they may not know what is making them feel the way they do. In many circumstances it is only harmful to lose all your energy trying to figure out what went wrong.

The first main strategy to answer the question about "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" is to forget about the relationship for a while, putting your energy into something else. Go out, make friends, have fun, network, and forget about women in general. Set some realistic goals about expanding your repertoire when it comes to seduction and meeting people.

Give yourself a couple of months and make changes in your life. Take some time away from your ex and it will work wonders.

The effect that strategies like this will have, is that it will allow you to make gradual changes in your life. And in how you perceive the subject of relationships. After a few months, you may have a much better idea of how you want to proceed with your ex.

Do you still want to get back together with her? Or are you ready to move on? Act accordingly. If you still want to get back together with her, it might be time to figure out how she is feeling about you.
Now is your chance to be a little more direct when it comes to getting your ex girlfriend back. You need to play strategically, however. Do not simply get your ex back to be with you, because this is not a good time to be emotional.

Instead, what you should be doing is playing things cool with your ex. If you have spent enough time apart from her, she is probably missing you as badly as you are missing her. Play hard to get a little (dont over do it) and show her that you are doing fine without her. This will inspire her to really rethink things.
And if getting back together with your ex really is meant to be,  now is the time when it will become apparent. Be careful not to analyze things too much, because over analyzing may prevent you from acting the right way when trying to figure out "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back". Just take things slow and play them cool and you should be fine.
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What To Do When Your Ex Has Just Broken Up With You

We all panic when we break up and when your ex has just broken up with you, you are likely to feel hurt, angry and perhaps a little bewildered.
So what can you do?  It really depends on whether you want this man or not.  If you dont want him in your life, allow yourself to grieve for the relationship and then look forward to having fun being single.  Dont waste time trying to get revenge on this man as you will only end up hurting yourself.
But if you really want this man in your life and perhaps feel your behaviour has contributed to the break up, there are a couple of things you can do.
Your first one is to let him know how you feel. Write him a letter, apologising for any bad behaviour and reminding him of the good times you shared together.  Dont be afraid to tell him how much he means to you and how much you miss him.
Assuming you get a positive response to your letter, agree to meet him but do so in a public place. This will help prevent your discussions turning into a huge argument. You will need to be prepared to tell your man how you feel. Dont hide your feelings. If you are angry tell him why but try not to turn the meeting into a blame fest.
This will not help you in convincing him that you are good together. Keep the conversation to facts and also use the word I and not you. For example you should say "I feel let down" rather than "you let me down". This is a lot less confrontational and less likely to cause offence or lead to another argument.
Allow him to criticise you as well.  It is best if this is done in a constructive way.  We all have our faults and some of your less attractive character traits may be, in part, to blame for why he broke up with you.
It is very important that you listen to what he says. Dont assume you know what he is trying to say. Encourage him to say what is on his mind as this is the opportunity for you both to work through any issues in your relationship and come out of this a stronger couple. He may have made the decision to break up, but your behaviour probably contributed to his decision.
Do not play games and dont feel that you have to hold something back in order to make him come back to you. This will only cause feelings of resentment which may lead to you splitting up again. Dont look on a breakup as a negative. All couples go through good and bad patches.  It is a normal feature of adult relationships.
Follow these tips and one day as a happy couple, you may actually be thankful that for the day you found out that your ex has just broken up with you.
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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Theirs A Little Rebel Trapped In Each Of Us

By L.J. James

Whenever a person or group of people try to live their lives free, those who are stuck in unhappy lives will be jealous. Some people have a hard time letting go, freeing themselves from the day to day trials and tribulations of everyday life even for a little while. Others seek an escape from the stress and anxiety often associated with modern day life.

I guess for me, thats part of why I am a Biker. There is something about riding a bike that inspires a sense of freedom in me. The open road, the wind in my face, the smells, getting back to nature, the power of my bike. Its all these things and more that make me feel free. Its unfortunate that there are some people who, for whatever reason, cant find something or someway to let go and experience the sense of freedom that we do. These people, for whatever reason, are the ones who point to us and call us rogues or rebels. They say that what we are doing is wrong and that our culture is a "disruptive influence."

As Bikers, we live our lives a little differently. We work and have responsibilities, but we still know the feeling of freedom. Maybe its because we smile just a bit more and are a bit more relaxed that turns these people green with envy?

A person who works hard and has no free time sees a person on the road riding his or her motorcycle and thinks "I wish that was me!" The thought of being free doesnt leave their mind. They long for it. They crave it badly! How many of you out their have had a friend tell you how they have always wanted to buy a Motorcycle and just go out riding? How many of them ever actually do?

Here is a typical story : A man is driving home from work when he sees a group of motorcycle riders pull up next to him. He looks at this group of people riding together having a great time, He starts to think, "I wish that was me". He then decides, "Im going to buy a Motorcycle!" He starts thinking about riding. How great it will be to have his wife on the back of his bike and the wind in his face. We could ride up to the lake or maybe that little motel way up in the Mountains. Thinking of the great times he will have he starts to feel that small sense of freedom. He thinks "This must be what those Biker get to feel, Wow!"

He turns into the driveway, parks his truck and rushes into the house to tell his wife about his fantastic idea. "Hi honey, Im going to buy a Motorcycle." His wife looks at him and says "What? Did you get overwhelmed by the fumes at work again?" "You cant ride a Motorcycle. The man answers back, "Ill learn!"

"You must be crazy", she says. "Those things are death traps! You will kill yourself and we cant afford it!" "Honey this is something I really want" replies the man. "NO NO NO!!! I wont have one of those things in my house! What kind of message would it send to the kids, our neighbors?"

They argue about it, but it the end, the man never gets his motorcycle. He never goes to the lake with his wife or takes that trip up to the little motel in the mountains. He never feels the real sense of freedom one can only get when taking a long trip on a motorcycle. He spends the rest of his life wishing he had never seen that group of Motorcycles. He is angry and bitter.

Now when he sees Bikers he puts them down. He hates Bikers, not because of who or what they are, but because of what he can never be. He hates them because of what they represent. They represent a kind of freedom, sense of belonging, a oneness with nature and the world that he longs for, he craves, but can never have.

We live here in America, the home of the free, but many are not free. They have never experienced the sense of freedom that can only be experienced on two wheels and, for whatever reason, never will. They live boring, uneventful. "safe" lives and complain about those who dont.

Dont hate these envious people, pity them for they will never know the sense of freedom and brotherhood we get from riding with a group of our Bros. Theyll never know the wind in their face, the feeling of peace and oneness with nature we feel as we ride threw the country side or down a long lonely highway. Theyll never know the clarity of mind that comes from a long ride alone or the closeness and bond of a long ride or weekend away with someone special. Just thank your higher power that youve found a way to escape, a way to be free, even if for some its just on the weekends.

Ride Safe and Ride Free because when it all come down to it, this is all about the Ride!

Your Bro L.J. James - 30535

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How to be nice to your ex girlfriend

How to be nice to your girlfriend may be a question that is uppermost in your mind. It is strange how even the simplest of ideas sometimes becomes difficult when you are in a relationship. You may really have been trying to figure out some nice things to say to your girlfriend.

For many young men, it is quite a perplexing thing when it comes to figuring out how to be nice to their girlfriends. After all, men and women do think differently. Even the process of how their brains function is different. Women seem to be able to cross from the right side of the brain to the left, and back, much more frequently than men. No matter how much we try, it seems that we can be misunderstood.

Really, I think I understand you, and what you want is information on what it takes to be nice to your girlfriend. If you are in a serious relationship, you want to be able to tell her how you feel. Not only that, you also want to show her how you feel.

Here are some things that may help you if you want to learn how to be nice to your girlfriend in a way that she will really appreciate.

1. Realize that she does not have to be with you.

A good way to start is to understand that she does not have to be with you. I dont mean to sound uncaring, but the simple fact is that she is not really required to be with you in any way. Since neither of you have made the commitment of marriage, she could get out of the relationship at any time, and she would be perfectly within her rights to do so. This fact is not meant to alarm you or cause you to be in constant fear of her leaving, but it really should remind you of have valuable a creature she is.

2. Be sure to express the fact that you value her.

If you have not made the mistake of forgetting about her value or taking her for granted, you may probably still be wondering, "How can I genuinely be nice to her in a way that she will appreciate. In order to do that, you need to study her. Find out what kinds of things or actions she likes. You also need to know what kinds of things she responds to when it comes to affection. One popular writer has said that there are five types of love languages. You may think that saying, "I love you will be sufficient," especially if your love language is words. However, if her love language is "acts of service," she will respond better to you doing something nice for her. She may also respond better to physical touch than to words. Just knowing these things well help you very much when you attempt to be nice to her.

You can see from these ideas that it often is not only important to figure out nice things to say to your girlfriend, but it is also important to figure out nice things to do for your girlfriend.

Two things that will help, regardless of what her love language is, are showing respect to her, and listening. You probably can understand the respect issue, since for many men it is even more important to feel respected than to have romance feelings associated with affection. Actually, affection and respect are important to both husbands and wives and boyfriends and girlfriends--just their priorities are different. If you have been treating her with little respect, however, no matter what else you do, you will be likely to fail.

3. Learn to listen to her.

Sometimes men have a hard time of following the thought patterns of women; however, if you will pack your bags and go on the journey of conversation with her, that action will pay great dividends in your relationship.

4. Treat her like you would like to be treated.

Another thing you can do is to think about how you have been treating her. Would you appreciate it if she treated you in the same way? Perhaps if you have made some light-hearted comments, she has taken them seriously. Would you appreciate it if your jokes were said by her, but you didnt understand that she was joking.

5. Make a study of successful relationship techniques.

When you want to learn how to be nice to your girlfriend, you will do well to study the techniques that make for successful marriages, since that is the ultimate boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

Maybe you just need to have a frank discussion. Explain that you are really trying to be nice to her. Explain where you have felt misunderstood. Good communication goes a long way in any relationship.
In trying to figure out how to be nice to your girlfriend, you have seen that it is important not only to figure out nice things to say to your girlfriend, but it is also important to figure out nice things to do for your girlfriend as well. If you need to get back together, these steps will help you as well.

If ;you take these five steps, you may have your problem of how to be nice to your girlfriend solved more quickly than you thought was even possible.
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Your Past And Future Are One Regression Therapy

By Hilary J Dennis

Have you ever had the feeling that no one wants you? Perhaps youre under the influence of an addiction? Do people pick on you? Are you always the victim? What about anger issues? Have you ever had a long term relationship, or something that actually lasted? Perhaps youre at a point in your life where you seem to have everything you want, but theres something missing that you just cannot put your finger on. If this is the case, then you might want to think about trying Regression Therapy.

Does that sound like you? Are you trying to correct the issue but just cannot figure out how to do it? Well then maybe youve never even considered regression therapy. You should really give it a try, simply because it might be the one answer that youve been looking for.

If the Past Life Regression Therapy Center is to be believed, which it is, then Regression Therapy involves stepping into the dark to find the light once again. This is a type of hypnotic therapy where the individual is sent to deal with the past experiences of their life, though they are still fully conscious.

Such experiences could be a persons adult life, their juvenile years, childhood, and perhaps even that time where they have not left their mothers womb yet.

Past Life regression therapy on the other hand is slightly different from all of these. What makes it so different is that rather than recalling this life, a person will recall one that they lived previously.

For many people, the very thought of having a previous life is simply too much to handle. There is proof however, that past lives do exist. There is simply too much evidence to really discount the whole thing.

A common occurrence is for an individual to undergo the process of Regression Therapy and speak of impossible things, such as old kingdoms and wars. The memories might even go back as far as the prehistoric age.

Its nothing short of amazing when a person recalls a memory that can be verified. There have been instances of memories that can be verified with historical records, which can serve as great proof.

Though it may be difficult to believe, there have actually been documented reports of children that have recalled their past lives in detail. Better yet, theyve been able to meet people that they had been related to in their past life.

Knowing where we have been in the past will help us during life. It gives us another way to look at life, and even provides us with another perspective on life, which is very important. There is nothing quite as great as understanding our lives and who we are.

Faulty Thoughts is a term that is used widely in the regression therapy community. These are negative thoughts that a person has carried over from their past life. These thoughts can have an adverse effect on a persons life, which is never good.

There is only one person that is capable of getting rid of such thoughts, and that is the person that is responsible for harboring them. A person who is the victim of such Faulty Thoughts has the option of releasing the energy and turning their own energy field into a positive one. How can this be done? A few of the ways are repaying karma, re-patterning, and forgiveness.

The idea of forgiving someone is based on what is known as the golden rule, and can be found in scripture: Do unto others as you would do unto yourself. This means repaying karma by making things right and making things right.

If a person is able to carry such things out, then it would be possible to re-pattern their energy fields. They can do this by practicing things such as tranquility, care, and other things that might be considered positive.

Yes, its probably going to get very tiring. In spite of that, Regression Therapy has been responsible for impacting several lives. Anyone that has tried to go through this type of therapy has found that their lives have become much better, and they are much stronger people. That alone makes it worth it.

While it sounds very helpful, keep in mind that there will be a lot of work involved. It requires a commitment to change like no other! You will need to alter the way you think about your life, and the way that it will unfold.

Its definitely an interesting topic. If you are feeling depressed, or victimized, or just plain curious, then you should take a look at it. There is no doubt that you will be able to figure out who you were once, and youll be able to deal with issues that are happening in your life right now. - 30535

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How to get ex girlfriend back

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend and Girlfriend Back

He has fallen in love with her. She was young, very nice, lovely and beautiful. He was strong, handsome and brave. They were as happy together as two swans. But one day they lost their love, they lost their happiness. They were not together anymore and that was nobody’s guilt. He was her ex boyfriend, she was his ex girlfriend. It’s a sad story, isn’t it?

Everyone of us had got in such a situation…After that the question is: how to get your ex back? What have you do to see her again, to kiss her, to be together with her, to see her smile and her beautiful eyes. How to make your ex want you back? What is right – to be honest with her and tell her that you can’t live without her or to forget her? If you love her, there is no doubt, you have to get her back.
How to get your girlfriend back
  • How To Get My Ex Back
  • How to make your ex want you back
  • How to make your ex girlfriend want you back
  • How To Get Your Ex Back Fast
  • Text your ex back

How to win your girlfriend back

“My ex girlfriend…I can’t stop loving her! How to get my ex girlfriend back?”, - asked me my close friend Dan one day. To help him I’ve looked through hundreds relationships books and I’ve found the answer! The best way to win your ex back is to text her. Write her short text messages and e-mails and tell her in these messages about your feelings. It is the single answer how to make your ex girlfriend want you back and how to get your ex girlfriend back fast. Don’t be afraid. Do it. Text your ex back.

How to win your boyfriend back

How to win your ex back is the most popular theme, that is spoken-over in relationships-forums, by the way. You are not alone. Thousands people ask every day: how to make my ex back. They are also interested in how to make your ex want you back, how to be honest with your ex, how to tell your ex about your feelings to her. “How to win your ex back” is a popular e-book, containing a lot of useful advices for young people wanting to get their love back. “How to get your ex girlfriend back” is a web-site, where you can leave a question for relationship experts and then you get an answer on your e-mail. I wish you good luck in getting your ex back!
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Mindpower Secrets Revealed

By Brian Parry

Scientists estimate that we only use around ten percent of our mind power. - Only ten percent! Can you imagine what would happen if you could access the remaining ninety percent? The results would be incredible!

Scientists agree that people who exhibit psychic and extra sensory abilities must be able to use these abilities due to somehow using that 90% of the human mind which usually lies idle. Some people appear to have these abilities from birth but others develop their mind power and start using these latent talents later on in life.

Were not sure yet how it works, but there is ongoing research into how our own mindpower can influence the world we live in.

Some studies even point towards the ability of our own minds to change reality. Our minds may be molded by the world less that they mold it, it seems.

The Secret and other works about the law of attraction lay out how to use mindpower to change their lives and even the world!

In case you have not come across it before, the law of attraction concerns the whole universe and states that there is a cause and effect for everything we do. So whatever you think about you will get! You must however communicate with your subconscious mind to tell it what you want; otherwise it presumes you want everything to stay as it is. Scientifically this is known as a state of homeostasis.

It seems that not only is the subconscious the prime mover behind psychic powers like remote viewing and telepathy, but is also our conduit to the energy of the universe around us.

Now the key to the development of your mindpower is to communicate with your subconscious mind. But how exactly do you do this? There are a number of ways.

Affirmations:- Affirmations are a well known positive thinking technique. When you repeat a positive affirmation to yourself, your subconscious begins to understand and begin using your untapped mindpower and start making your wishes a reality.

If you needed to boost your self esteem, you may tell yourself things like I am confident and well liked. If you want to break a habit, you can use affirmations like I only eat healthy foods.

With consistent repetition affirmations really do work. You communicate with your subconscious mind, telling it to do something different and it does! It makes you behave differently.

Follow this line of reasoning and youll see that you can change everything; not just your own behavior but reality itself can be molded by your own mindpower!

Visualization:- You can also develop your mindpower using visualization. Visualization consists of closing your eyes and picturing the things you want to happen in your minds eye. Your subconscious mind responds to the images which you focus your thoughts on and begins using your mindpower to make them a reality. You can visualize anything you want and with practice, youll increase your mindpower and make it possible.

You can use visualization to help you develop some of the psychic abilities which are naturally present in every human being. You can visualize yourself predicting the future or communicating via telepathy. If you keep practicing, visualization can bring these latent abilities to the surface and increase your mindpower even further.

Hypnosis:- Hypnosis has long been known as a way to communicate with the subconscious and to increase mindpower. A hypnotist can give suggestions to your subconscious which it will act on.

Alternatively you can try self hypnosis where you listen to a recording of a hypnotherapist going through the session. The advantage of this, apart from the cost, is that you can keep listening to it over and over again.

Brainwave entrainment:- Brainwave entrainment uses new breakthroughs in audio technology. Certain frequencies attune your brainwaves resulting in many different benefits such as pain relief and improved memory.

Some frequencies attune your mind to the trance state where it becomes easy to speak directly to the subconscious and thus increase mindpower.

Other frequencies can stimulate the parts of your body known as the chakra energy centers. There is a chakra in the center of your forehead called the third eye chakra which is responsible for psychic powers.

In fact you do not even really develop these powers. They are inside you already. It is thought that humans many thousands of years ago had this enhanced mindpower, but it became repressed and locked deep inside the mind.

When we talk about developing mindpower, what we really mean is unlocking the potential psychic abilities which are present in every person and starting to access the potential of that 90% of the brain which we dont use every day. - 30535

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Saving A Relationship

Saving a relationship might seem like a hopeless task for some women. They worry endlessly that their relationship is falling apart and no matter what they do, their partner seems to be pulling further and further away from them. In an effort to pull their relationship back together, many people try to talk to their partner to find out whats wrong or what could be changed, but unfortunately these tactics can sometimes end up driving your partner even further away.
There are some psychologically proven principles you can put to good use for you when youre saving a relationship. Most relationships move through several phases as they progress. The initial phases of attraction are based on mutual enjoyment of each others company. Your intimacy levels are high and you both want to spend more and more time with each other.
The key to keeping any relationship at the same electrically charged emotional levels they were at when you first met isnt what youd expect. The key to saving a relationship is attraction.
Many women begin trying to analyze every word their partner has said and the tone of his voice while he said it, trying to find a meaning behind why hes pulling away. They try to make sure they spend even more time with him, insist on knowing or finding out what hes doing when hes not with you or even forcing him to stop acting a certain way in an effort to make the relationship feel more stable.
In reality, these actions are driving you further apart instead of saving a relationship that was once great fun to be a part of. If youre serious about putting your relationship back on track and keeping it that way, then there are some things youll need to think about.
1.  Back to the Beginning
Think about what aspect of you your partner fell in love with when you first met. Most men will say they fell in love with a woman who was fun, happy, bubbly, confident, independent and smart. Many women will say they fell in love with a happy, confident, funny, sensitive guy.
When you first met, you would have been working hard to make sure your partner enjoyed the time he spent in your company. As you became more familiar with each other, you felt secure that you didnt need to work quite so hard. Ask yourself whats changed about each of you since you first met.
2. Attraction
As mentioned before, the key to saving a relationship is attraction. When youre attracted to your partner and hes attracted to you, its natural you both want to spend more time in each others company.  As you become more familiar with each other, the effort it takes to look good and behave in a fun manner falls away.
Attraction isnt always physically based. Many people are attracted to confidence and independence. Think carefully about what attracted your partner to you originally. This is the key to making your partner fall in love with you all over again.
3. Communication
Effective communication when youre working on saving a relationship doesnt mean sitting down and talking over all the problems in the relationship for hours at a time. In fact, this could break your relationship even further apart.
You need to remember the type of conversations you had when you first met. Most frequently they would have been happy, light-hearted conversations that made you both feel good and made you both enjoy the time you spent together. Its natural for any human on the planet to avoid situations that make them feel bad, so try to find ways to communicate that make you both remember how much you enjoy each others company.
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How You Can Succeed With Distance Learning Education While You Work

By Mary Jackson

Distance learning students and those pursuing online degree programs seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education without actually needing to attend classes physically, and at the same time are able to keep their jobs and get a paycheck. In fact, this is one of the more prominent distance learning benefits that attract many students to make this their choice of education. In addition to that, distance learning students also gain the advantage of flexibility where they are able to study at their own pace without adhering to fixed class schedules.

However, amidst these benefits, distance learning requires a lot of discipline and motivation from students. When we are juggling between a job and studies, it is very easy to lose track of your priorities and fail to keep up to mark. Moreover, distance learning students do not have the advantage of getting their learning drive renewed whenever they interact with lecturers or peers in classes.

Therefore, how can distance learning students then overcome this challenge? One habit that a student must adopt is good time management. There is only 24 hours in a day and it is up to us to utilize our time in the best way possible. Set up a daily or weekly plan for yourself and ensure that you set aside time for your studies daily. If you have a family, let them know about your schedule so that they know when you should not be disturbed. Divide your time appropriately between your work, your family and your studies. Of course, discipline is important here as any schedule will not do any good if it is not followed.

Staying motivated can be difficult for many who are earnestly striving for a distance learning education. Therefore, it is imperative to stay in contact with fellow students. With the availability of email, instant messages, class online message boards, and online chat, it is a great way to commiserate, encourage, and discuss assignments and projects. Staying in touch with other students taking the class helps in keeping each other active in class and accountable.

Setting goals and rewarding yourself when you attain them are great self-motivating habits. Start by drawing a chart on the milestones that you need to reach in order to complete your course. Strike out each goal as you complete them and reward yourself accordingly. There is a certain satisfaction whenever we see ourselves progressing and this becomes a motivating force for us to face the next hurdle.

Finally, make sure to have a quiet, undisturbed place to study. It is extremely easy to be distracted by the television, a ringing phone, or normal family activities in the household. If necessary, lock yourself in a quiet room equipped with a comfortable chair, a good desk or table, and ample space to create a productive learning environment.

In short, successful completion of a distance learning education is totally dependent on good study habits and the determination of the individual to reach the pre-determined goal. Like any degree program, it takes old fashioned hard work, discipline, and the intrinsic motivation to succeed. - 30535

About the Author:

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How to forget about your ex girlfriend

You went through all the motions of a breakup, from the lonely evenings alone to the drunken nights out with the guys, and youre ready to begin a new relationship with a woman youve been eyeing for a while. But youre wondering how to go about forgetting your ex completely so that you can start this new relationship from a fresh perspective. Read on for the 10 steps you should take to do just that.

1- Accept reality: Shes gone


This first step may take longer for some than for others, depending on how serious the relationship was. Obviously, if you were living with your ex, youll have a harder time accepting the breakup than if you only dated seriously for a few months.

The sooner you accept the reality that she is not coming back, the sooner you can begin to move on with your new love. So stop that little voice from telling you that shes going to "come to her senses" and call you.

2- Clear your head


I dont mean for this to sound "self-help-y" or anything, but you have to let go of the anger and hurt that youre feeling about your past relationship. If you dont, you will just drag it into the new relationship, which can spell disaster.

For instance, you may misinterpret your new girlfriends behavior because of the ways in which your ex reacted. Or you may take out your latent anger toward your ex on your new lady. Avoid this by just letting those feelings go and starting fresh.

3- Learn from your mistakes


Once youve gotten rid of the negative emotions, you can begin to view your past relationship as a learning experience. Think about why you broke up and the reasons you were incompatible.

By taking this extra step, you will ensure that you dont repeat the same mistakes that eventually led to your breakup, and youll be that much closer to discovering the traits that really matter to you in a mate.

4- Talk to your new girlfriend


Although this may seem counterintuitive, it is a good idea to talk to your new girlfriend about your ex. That way, she will understand where youre coming from and she wont misinterpret anything you do or say.

However, dont go on ad nauseum about her because this will probably scare your new girl away, and then youll have to start this list of steps all over again.

5- Cut off contact with her


The general consensus among people Ive talked to seems to be that exes cant ever "just be friends." Although the optimists among us like to think that its possible to retain a friendship with their ex, the realists know that this is just not going to happen. There are always unresolved issues that cause former lovers to act in strange ways.

The faster you accept this as a truth, the better off youll be. So stop calling her and showing up where you know shell be, and focus your attention on your new girlfriend.

6- Put her picture away


While youre at it, collect all the memorabilia of your past relationship, such as pictures, letters, clothing, and any other trinkets that you amassed, and throw them out. If youre the type of person that never throws anything away, put everything in a box, close it and stash it in a closet or storage space.

7- Find a new favorite spot


Try not to take your new flame to the same restaurants and clubs you went to with your ex, as this will only bring up memories of your times together and cause you to waste your energy thinking about her instead of your new girlfriend.

The best thing to do is find a new restaurant or fun spot that neither of you has ever been to before and experience it for the first time together. Who knows, it may even become "your place."

8- Introduce your new girlfriend to friends and family


Introducing your new lady to your friends and family will help you move on. When they begin to think of the two of you as a couple and forget about the woman you used to be with, it will be that much easier for you to do the same.

9- Dont compare


Do not compare your new girlfriend to your ex in any way, shape or form. Period.

10- Appreciate your new girlfriends uniqueness


Instead, focus on what makes your new girlfriend unique. How is she special? What does she do that no one else can do? By answering these questions, you will be able to zone in on the qualities you love about her and appreciate them all the more.

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How to attract your ex girlfriend

There is no worse time in a guys life than when a woman that he is totally in love with is gone. Your ex girlfriend is out the door, and you are searching for clues as to what went wrong, and you are also searching for answers on how to get her back. You think about her and you can not seem to get her out of your mind. Even when you try to relax and not even think about what happened, the thoughts come creeping in again.

Cant shut them out? Then maybe you need to come to the realization that you DO want to get her back, and understand that it IS possible, with the right techniques and strategies, of course.

Heres how to attract back your ex girlfriend with these 3 tips to get her back:

1. Dont make the situation more drastic than what it really is.

Right now, you dont know if this is a permanent break up or not. How many times has a woman said to her ex boyfriend that it was over and then she is back with him a couple of weeks later? That very well could be the way that things turn out for you, especially if you do not waste time feeling sorry for yourself, and instead focus on a way to find a solution to getting your girlfriend to come back to you.

2. Dont make the mistake of over contacting your ex girlfriend.

This happens to a lot of men when they are really yearning to find a way to get her back. They immediately think that if they can somehow sit her down to talk things out, that she will see their side of the story, forgive him and then take him back. The thing is, the minute you start to over contact your ex girlfriend, you start to seem like you are crossing into the area of annoying her, and how many women do you know that want to be with a guy that annoys them?

3. Understand that your ex girlfriend probably will not make a decision to get back together tomorrow.

Patience is key to having success in a relationship, and even more of an important key to winning back your ex girlfriend. If you are patient enough, then you can "cherry pick" your moments of when you interact with her and have a better chance of getting her in the right mood.

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Want to get more ADVANCED tips and tricks that will help you attract your ex-girlfriend back fast?
You may like to read : how to get your ex back on facebook

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My 5 Favourite Things On The Internet

My 5 Favourite Things On The Internet
I know what you are thinking: the internet is a pretty big place. Well, bravo, genius, did you come up with that all by yourself? Or did I just come up with it for you? It doesn’t matter, the fact is that, yes, it is a big place. I myself reached the end of the internet once, and it was a complete mess of long-forgotten cat images, a bunch of gore videos primarily focusing on genitalia, and a gigantic demon with Nicolas Cage’s face who claimed to have my bank details. It took a while to get home from there.

Just listen to me for one second. While the task of writing a list such as this may seem impossible to some one like you, I am no ordinary person. For example: the ring and pinkie toe on my right foot do not bend. There are other things too, Im sure. I reckon by now this introduction has reached a decent enough length so that it wraps around the main image, and now I will move on.

My 5 Favourite Things On The Internet: 05. The Beetlejuice Twitter Bot

05. The Beetlejuice Twitter Bot

Imagine my horror when, upon writing this entry, I discovered that this once beloved Twitter account was now defunct, the genius retiring the idea around August this year. GODDMANIT, WHY DOES EVERYTHING I LOVE END UP LEAVING ME?

But even if its existence has evaporated into the afterlife, its presence still lingers in the joy it once granted me, hence why I cherish its memory by keeping this point intact. I just feel sorry for you lot only discovering this anomaly now, as you will never know the joy of tweeting the words “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” only to have this bot proudly spring into action upon your mentions, proclaiming “ITS SHOWTIME!”, just like in the mooovie! Lolyay!

A moment of silence for its passing, and while we do that, let’s look at some other funny botty Twitter accounts in hopes that this passage justifies its worth afterall.

Yes, You’re Racist
An account which calls out people who tweet “I’m not racist, but...” because any sentence that starts that way is more than likely racist.

Your in America Bot
An account which corrects people when they say something to the effect of “Your in America, speak English!” Oh, the irony.

Stealth Mountain
Similarly, this account corrects people when they say “sneak peak” instead of “sneak peek”. I enjoy such things.

My 5 Favourite Things On The Internet: 04. The Same Photo of Jim Carrey Every Day Facebook Page

04. The Same Photo of Jim Carrey Every Day Facebook Page

Nothing will brighten up your life more than the same photo of Jim Carrey, every single morning, delivered straight to your Newsfeed. Trust me, I live a very active and rewarding existence, but when this post shows its smiling face, I know my beautiful day has truly just begun. And I am not alone, as the page itself boasts over 150,000 Likes, while the identical image racks up 1000s of further Likes on a daily basis—many of which are my friends. They probably dont know this, but I desperately spend most of my early hours attempting to Like said post before they get a chance, as if some sick competitive ritual.

However, the secret magic of this image lies not in the daily delivery, but in the comments. Here you will find many different users honouring the practice of routinely commenting the exact same thing every day, to the point of madness. There are many, but the most popular by far revolve around Cody’s story, like so:

“Its good to see that in this world of changing chaos, that there are some things that will never change” - Cody Hendricks (close to 200 Likes a day)
“Lean on me, when youre not strong. And Ill be your friend.” - The Official Page’s response to Cody Hendricks (over 50 Likes every day)
“Im not the Cody youre looking for.” - Cody Mann (around 100 Likes a day)

Naturally, it doesn’t end there, and so I encourage you to go forth and find your own favourites, whilst welcoming the safe regularity of this wonderful distraction.

My 5 Favourite Things On The Internet: 04. The Same Photo of Jim Carrey Every Day Facebook Page

03. Spinal Tap’s IMDB Rating Goes to 11

If you haven’t seen This Is Spinal Tap, you should. Immediately. Stop reading, find it online, watch it, and then come back. Do not eat nor sleep nor speak nor fuck your boyfriend nor lick your teeth until you get this done, and then thank me in the comments below, to which Ill respond with "you’re welcome".

Did you do what I said? If so, great! I have a few more things I’d like you to do, mail me for details. And please continue reading.
If you have already seen the mockumentary, good on ya! You understand the importance of keeping up-to-date on significant cult classics. And please continue reading.
However, if you have chosen to proceed without viewing the film, you are an idiot, and I experience no guilt as I ruin this particular scene for you, primarily because the “up to eleven” idiom has become such a large part of popular culture parodies, that you’ve missed far too many jokes already. In a way, I’m actually just helping you out. Once again, you’re welcome.

ANYWAY, a very quick summary: the scene in question from the film presents guitarist Nigel Tufnel, as he shows-off the Spinal Tap Marshall amplifiers, which go to volume 11 rather than 10. It’s one louder.

Here is that exact same thing I described, except the actual video clip, which I probably should started have with.

Which brings us to the great dudes at IMDB, who recognised the significance of such a potent line, and took it upon themselves to ensure that this movie’s rating went to 11. God bless you all, really.

My 5 Favourite Things On The Internet: 02. All Wikipedia Articles Lead to Philosophy

02. All Wikipedia Articles Lead to Philosophy

Unlike the other entries on this list, the “All Wikipedia Articles Lead to Philosophy” phenomenon is just that: a phenomenonon. This was not some intentional man made lolsies, but rather, something that just kinda ... happened.

It works like this: by clicking on the very first (non-parenthesized, non-italicised, non-external) link in the main text of any Wikipedia article, and then continuing to do so as you ride along subsequent articles, you have a 94.52% chance of ending up on the Philosophy page (usually within 23 clicks). Granted, you may get stuck in a loop or fall on a linkless piece, but that more than likely won’t happen. Try it yourself! Go to a random article and start clicking! Count your steps! Tell your friends! LOVE YOURSELF.

And you know what the best part about this is? Nobody is entirely sure why it happens, ooooooh. However, there are some theories, the most popular of which stating that (due to the Wikipedia Manual of Style guidelines on how to write the lead section of an article) contributors are encouraged to start an article by defining its topic, leading the user into a wider more umbrella subject. And seeing as philosophy is known as the "mother of all sciences", I guess it kinda makes sense that every road leads there. Man, that’s some deep shit.

My 5 Favourite Things On The Internet: 01. Futurama Neutral Balance YouTube Likes

01. Futurama Neutral Balance YouTube Likes

I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

Which is to say, I do! I really do! I mean, what is going on here? WHO KEEPS DOING THIS????

It’s pretty much the simplest thing ever: Six years ago some dude uploaded a 4 second video to YouTube, a clip from Futurama titled Neutral Response, and the internet decided they liked this. In fact, they liked it so much that theyve watched it over 4,850,000 times. And, before we knew it, a suicidal mission had developed, one to maintain the neutral balance, proving that we all have strong feelings about having no strong feelings one way or the other. If you’re confused, just look at the Likes and Dislikes, and then you’ll be part of the team. Godspeed.

Of course, as is the nature with such a fragile system, it has become a little bit of a war, and there will always be those kids on the playground who want to watch the world burn. With that in mind, you might be unfortunate enough to see the Likes/Dislikes sway one way or another, much to everyone’s embarrassment. However, generally by simply refreshing the page, you should find that order has been swiftly restored. If not, maybe try help rectify the situation yourself? Be a pal. Make yourself useful for once.

Regardless, it’s my favourite thing on the internet, excluding this one porno video where Hillary Scott takes it ass to pussy over and over again, risking an infection but proving she is a professional whose priority is to please the part of my perverse brain which has retarded beyond recognition.

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